Sunday, May 19, 2013

Kink in the Armor

I feel like utter horse shit. As soon as I settled into the motel last night, I noticed I was much more achey than usual and likely had a fever. I tried remaining optimistic but sleep never came.

I vomited several times last night and now am just trying to rest up for tomorrow. The weather here is pretty awful so I suppose it's not the end of the  world missing a day. 

Also, my immune system is getting better than yours. Next time this bug attempts to come back, my white blood cells are gonna be like, "Hey man, you look really familiar". The bug will respond, "Nope, just passing through, Ralph knows me". And within the time it takes for me to take a bite of sammich, the bug will be toast. So yeah, i'm down with the sickness.


Hoping for a speedy recovery, wish me luck! 


  1. Where are you Ralphie?? Anywhere near us in Northern VA?

    1. Im in Onley, VA. I'm not sure if I ever get particularly close to you guys. Maybe I do? I suppose we'll find out.

  2. No-you're about 4 and a half hour away :( No Aunt Kim to the rescue. Hope you feel better!
