Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Thank You for Having Me.

I've never woken up so early and been so wide awake as today. I could hear Marcela scrambling about her apartment, preparing for her classes and the long day ahead of her. As she would tell me later, it probably didn't help that she had a dream that night about being late for class. With my puffed up face, and sunken eyes, Marcela made coffee and eggs. It was 7 in the morning. 

Upon sitting down at the table for breakfast, Marcela told me an interesting tidbit. Apparently, her Class for English as a Second Language (CESL) was beginning a chapter about taking risks. I agreed to her proposition of being a guest speaker at her 800 and 1130 classes. 

Marcela and I biked on down to Southern Illinois University where I got a sense of the work environment. Eventually, it got time for me to do my guest speech at 8. It was short and I was relatively unprepared. In short, the class thought I'd lost my marbles. 8 o'clock was a learning experience. The 1130 class went much better. However, in between I would explore and Marcela would take me out to lunch. I can't emphasize enough how magnificent it was to be shown about. Marcela made me truly feel at home in Carbondale.

When 1130 rolled around, I began to feel substantially more nervous than the 8 o'clock. With that nervousness came a more preparedness that was missing at dawn. This time, discussion and the "story" went for a solid half an hour. It was wonderful. After I was done, I gave Marcela a big hug and got ready to sorrowfully leave Carbondale. BUT, I had to wait for my bike to be finished at the local bike shop.

Today was the latest start I've had on a day since I started this journey; 4 o'clock. Destination: Chester, IL. I called the cycling hostel and told them I was just leaving Carbondale. No problem. The trip to Chester had the choice of scenic of direct. I chose scenic.

Holy toledo.

Absolutely beautiful. 

I've never biked toward a destination this deep into the evening and I was worried of being trapped in the inevitable darkness. However, I witnessed the most stunning and vivid sunset I've ever seen. I actually had the option to snag a photo of it but I opted not to. It felt as if my imagination and senses of the sun's decline was more beautiful than a picture could ever justify. Chasing that descending, all-encompassing array of color over the horizon, I couldn't help but feel as if I was in pursuit of what I'd been looking for all along; oblivion... I never would catch up.

It's really late right now and it's been a long evening.

As Marcela's class totally encouraged me to do, maybe I'll make a novel/book out of this little journey. With today over with, I need to stress Marcela's amazingness, musical tastes, and awesome classes, the beauty of the Mississippi River, the hospitality of Chester, IL, and... friendship.

I'm tired.

Picture Summaries!

                     Marcela Angel!

The coolest painting I saw within Marcela's wing of the university. Look closely if you can. Intricate as hell.

The 1130 class that was so incredibly open and kind to me.
I met two individuals at the museum by the name's of Eric and Nate. The two gentleman gave me name's of friends they knew in San Fran and other places along the route. I was also given 2 little snack eats of Nutrigrain in addition to the history lesson I got within the museum. Thanks guys!

    Buckminster Fuller: google dat genius.

I'm tired

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