I slapped his hand away, apalled at the statement. I knew this was about to be a case of fisticuffs. I walked out of the stall with both fists raised while the other tall (a foot height on me) man slowly raised his. I unleashed a barrage of jabs that connected but at such slow speed, they didn't appear to have any effect. After 10 punches landed, his face began to bruise. He hadn't landed one on me. Suddenly, the man dumped a bucket of water on me.
"Ahhhh!" I yelled waking up from my slumber. It was still dark. The quick intervals of a sprinkler confirmed my worst nightmare. Naked and fumbling the top flap open of my 1 person tent, I attempted to undue the rain cover from the tied post. Cursing and groping at the knot, I could hear the sprinkler getting closer and closer until...
"Ahhhh! Oh my God!" I screamed out to the sleepy town. After being hit again, I finally calmed down and actually took my time to figure out the knot. I got the damn thing off and pulled the rain cover over the tent. Soaked and attempting to save my electronics from the water, I fell asleep in a crumpled, damp heap. 4 hours later, I woke up groggy and sweating to the heat.
I left town around 930 to what I thought would be an easy 20 miles to Pueblo. One of those godforsaken green signs corrected me as I left, reading, "Pueblo 25." Curse those 5 extra miles!
However, the ride was awesome and easy. No more than a mile out, I heard a friendly beep from a car behind me. The MS van came rolling by. A big, old grin spread across my face and I gave a big wave. Up the road, it pulled over. Driving was the same young lady who had broken down a few days earlier.
"Whooaa! Up and moving are we?" I declared.
"I didn't think I'd see you again."
"Well, here I am!"
It was lovely to see a friend again. Asking if I needed water, I kindly declined. She rolled off into the vanishing point of the road but not before I got the motel they were staying at.
As I approached Pueblo 15 miles later, the Rockies gradually came into view. I was mesmerized and overcome with excitement upon seeing the towering mountains watching over the flatlands. I let out a little cheer as I got into downtown Pueblo.
While cycling on the main road, a stream of furious beeping caused me to wildly spin my ahead about. The other MS van flew by with two members leaning out of the windows screaming, "Yeeahhh!! Goo Rallpphh!" I furiously waved my hands and yelled back. My wide grin would stick with me for at least a mile down the road.
I checked into the Super 8 motel I would be staying in, got a bath and checked movie times for the day. World War Z starring Brad Pitt was starting in 20 minutes. "Let's get a move on", I thought to myself. The movie was pretty kickass and ironically appropriate for the apocolyptic towns I'd passed through in the last few days.
I'm back at the motel winding down with a few beers and plan on going to see the MS bikers at their hotel very soon. Today's my day off though so I'm going to quit on the writing for today.
Happy 4th everyone!
The Rocky Mountains
I hope it doesn't rain... or tornado
Next time you start with a dream please specify it is a DREAM so poor mama does not have heart attack. Happy Fourth! love you