Monday, July 29, 2013

Monsoon Caliber Winds Dissuade My Dreams

When Michael and I were eating our breakfast in Austin, he spoke of a renowned "mondo" burger challenge in Middlegate. He was dead-set on attempting it and I'd heard about it from the MS group way back around Ely. Michael was going to get to Middlegate dead or alive to give it a shot. Later that evening when I was getting ready for bed on the Mt. Airie's Summit, I received a text message from Mike reading, "Promise me you won't do the burger challenge Ralph, promise me!! No man was meant to consume that."

Well, I listened... until one customer left with half of the burger and all of the fries still left.

"So uh... What's going to happen to those leftovers?" I fiendishly asked the bartender. 

"It'll go to the chickens", she replied.

I looked toward Greg and the bartender, the only two in the bar, and said, "Would you guys judge me if I... uh... finished the challenge?"

"I'll turn a blind eye", replied Greg.

Holy shit... even half of that thing rudely disrupted my bowels. Within half an hour of eating it, I hated myself. Even today, the monster is still living in the pit of my stomach wreaking havoc. I texted Michael... he had warned me.

Yesterday evening, the winds continued sweeping the arid landscape until dusk. Greg was kind enough to let me camp behind the bar but, yet again, my tent pole was broken. So, I elected to sleep on the picnic table. Bad move. Around midnight, I was awoken to howling gales of wind that didn't even let me think let alone sleep. I kept imagining the old, creaking tree above me calling it quits and collapsing on my makeshift bed. I listened to music to try and drown out the melancholy moaning. Sleep would evade me the entire night.

I walked around a bit, started a new book, watched half of a documentary called Gasland (wi-fi) and finally decided to stay up until close to dawn. Around 4am, I started to pack my things together. I left Middlegate in the darkness just before 5. The sun would slowly light more and more of the path in front of me as I pedaled. 

As has happened multiple times before, I stopped at one point just to listen to my surroundings. The constant pounding of the wind upon my eardrum made me feel like I was missing something. However, each time I stop, I crane my neck to ensure I get the whole earful. And every time, the lone sound I hear is that of the steady humming of a car engine in the distance. Dissapointed and depressed, I go into music mode... where Nevada is illuminated with a kickass soundtrack.

I reached civilization this morning at 8:30 in the town of Fallon. I went 50 miles in 3 and a half hours! I was happy :). 

So rememer that guy Andy I met in Cold Springs? Well, I accidentally located the restaurant he owns, and his wife, Deb, gave me a free breakfast! It was the greatest breakfast ever! The Courtyard Cafe & Bakery provided the friendliest service and the atmosphere was wonderful. Deb is an absolute sweetheart and I constantly heard her joyful laughing in the kitchen. She said the invitation to sleep at their house is also still open. I'm going to have to make a decision.

The tent poles I need are in Ely. I called the post office and they're getting forwarded to Carson City (50 miles). The only "problem" is that she could only gurantee they would be there by Thursday. So, I'm in no rush to get there. Ahhh, it is pretty awesome to be able to relax finally, knowing I have plenty of time to reach San Francisco. It's almost over. Fallon, NV... you're my shit.

             Sunset at Middlegate

          Sunrise not at Middlegate

Approaching this sandy terrain from a distance, I almost mistook it for a lake. The lack of plant life surrounding it hinted at something else.

   Oh Nevada; You and your emptiness.

    Huge sand dunes off in the distance.

10-15 miles out of Fallon, I started getting trigger happy with my camera.

Real green fields! Fallon, what are you?!

I received and e-mail from Leonard the Mennonite with a picture that I had forgotten he snapped. His e-mail was awfully kind inquiring that he meant to ask more about my parents and their health. He showed his youthful savvy side again by including a small, smiley-face decal.

1 comment:

  1. Ralph - still really enjoying following your trip - what an amazing experience!
