Monday, June 24, 2013

Inside the Conscience of a Constantly Pondering Machine: The Battle for Balance in a World of Chatter

You cheated.

No, I didn't, and even if I did, it was worth it. All that cycling purity bullshit is just that; bullshit. I saved a ton of milage on a bum wheel that would have probably given way in the Ozarks anyway. The amount driven surmounts to less than 3% of the entire trip. Also, the fact that I can't stand up on the bike while pedaling upward because of the drastic pressure change would've made the slow ascensions miserable. The constant worry of taking it easy on my back tire would've taken away from all the beauty. Lastly, I'm not in this trip to win some golden medal for using a bike to see the country. I'm doing this to meet people and experience each place. Whether I do this in a car or on a bike is irrelevant as long as this is done.

You cheated.

Fuck off. The other half or 75% of telling myself I'm guilt-free is because I got to spend the Ozark's with a multifaceted, fully dimensional, dynamic individual whom I was able to completely share all the joys with. The roller-coaster like ups and downs were ridden with its two passengers cooing with each elevation change, all the while sticking our hands up out of the windows to feel the wind pass through the space between our fingers. We shared thoughts of beauty out loud in vocal expression as opposed to keeping them trapped within our skulls. I got to know somebody I never would've gotten the chance to if I hadn't driven with her. And she ruled.

Yeah, well you still cheated.

Well, perhaps I did. And. I'm really fucking glad I did. 

What time is it? Ugh, it's too loud to still be dawn. Shit, so much for going to bed early. Whoa, it's 7! I guess I can lay here for a little. What crazy dreams.

Okay, I should get up. Back to the old grind... I wonder if Marcela would've joined me if she was done class. There's a nice breeze this morning. Wow, somebody waved at me. Breakfast.

Okay, I should be out of here by 8:30.

Okay, 8:45.

Right, 9 o'clock it is.

Do I have everything? Got my ipod, phone, and kindle from charging in the bathroom. Whoa, soap and shampoo are still in that shower. Ah! My new shirt is in there too! Okay, let's roll.

Where to today? I could have a relatively short ride today and a long one tomorrow. I'll see how I feel. Okay, I'm on this route for awhile. Oh! Another wave! Missourians ain't all bad at raising their arm.

I wish I could stand up to pedal on this bike. The slower pace is kind of nice. My ass hurts. Why does my ass hurt so much? That's better. Why won't Instagram load my video? This update is stupid. It's hot.

Is this an abandoned campground? This looks picture-worthy. Let's check this out. I wonder how far away Oak Grove is? I should start moving again.

Oak Grove! I'm stopping at this gas station. Why is everyone wearing overalls? Ah, that guy gave me a head nod. Soda, soda, soda. A can of Dr. Pepper is 68 cents? Sold. My god, this is delicious. This Clif bar ain't bad either. Okay, time to go- oops, wrong way. Junction V, there you are. 


Nathan Boone Historical Park? Is he related to Daniel Boone? Only one way to find out. Man, this dirt road is gonna bust my tire. Maybbee, I should walk my bike. Why is this guy significant? He's the youngest son of Daniel Boone and that's it? Big whoop.

I think I'll give Mike a call.

Time to leave this place. Ash Grove! This is a quaint and nice, little town. Where can I get some grub? The lady at the firework stand looks like she knows. Copper Grill, huh? I miss the buffets.

Don't get soda, don't get soda. Ahhh, ice cold water is a nice replacement. I hate this show but I can't look away. History Channel, you disappoint me. The Frank guy is cool but the main host is so fake it's crazy. I wonder if they're even real friends in real life. 

Whoa, these portions are pretty small. 

I'm still kinda hungry. Meh, whatever. Still lots of daylight... Let's see how far I get today. 

Okay, west on 160. My god, it's hot. Was it this hot before? This is a big hill. 

There's nobody on the road anymore. I'm glad nobody so far has had anger problems or mental issues. Someone could easily hit me with their car and peace out. No one would even know. Here comes a car. Huh, another person with good intentions. Nobody wants to hit me. Out of 30,000 or so passing cars, that's pretty damn good. 

This is Pennsboro? I need water. I wonder if this church has a water fountain. Wow, this is an archaic church. There's a pack of water bottles but I wonder if that'd be "stealing". Better see if I can call somebody. 

Nothing on the internet. The brick steps hurt my butt. Maybe if I lie down it'll relieve some of the pressure. That's better. Man, I could fall asleep he-

Ahhh, What time is it? How long was I out? Ah, only 5, I'm okay. It has certainly cooled down some. Holy hell, why do I have poison ivy on my thigh? Ahh, sorry god, I really need this water. Time to roll.

Turn right onto Z. 17 miles to Golden City, two more hills, and flatlands the rest of the way.

Ahh, last hill. Thanks for waiting for me to pedal by Mr. Whooaa, that guy gave me a thumbs up; the best of all hand gestures. 

Wow, this is flat.

Where does this road end? 


This isn't a bad ride at all. About 4 miles to Golden City now. 

Man, this is a strange town. Everything looks to be closed. This still looks like the Wild West. There's a grocery store.

1.99 for a big bag of salad mix and a .68 cent soda. Dinner is served.

Baseball games are still being played in the park. Time for me to eat dinner in the picnic shelter. Goodness, this is delicious. 

I'm full.

One more spoke gone. I wonder when that happened? 30 miles to the bike store.

What do I do now? I can write my blog. 

When should I post this?

        Abandoned campground area? 

    The beginning of today had plenty of hills but it's getting very flat as I get close to Kansas.

This is pretty much how every piece of fenced off property looked with a bunch of bails of hay. 

            Nathan Boone's old house. 

Another big hill.

The flatness begins!

Baseball in the park.


  1. As your mama I will tell you you are not cheating, you are using your brain. So get that thought right out of your head. And quit swearing so damn much. Xoxo

  2. You are a great writer. The pictures are beautiful, as well. Your journey is powerful and intriguing, anyone who wouldn't want to read these updates is a lame! Keep them coming, I feel like I gain a little bit of your courage every time I come on here. and of course, good luck. - Fern

    1. Thank you for checking it out and giving the really kind words of encouragement. Everyone has more strength then they give themselves credit for. I'm positive you're no different. Thanks again!

  3. Don't worry about how you get there, just enjoy the journey!

    1. Wise words, sir. Easier said than done sometimes but I'm working on it.

  4. If what you did can be considered cheating, I'm glad you did. And I'm also glad I helped you doing it. I'm lucky I got to spend time with you, singing loudly, watching a super moon by the river, getting to know such an amazing human being. I'm sending as much positive energy to you as I can share. Pedal Power!
